An Integrated Method to Support Migrants

Picture homepage aIMS(M)

Our Erasmus+ founded project is focussing on low-skilled unemployed adult migrants and/ or refugees. It is our ambition to contribute to the strengthening of their digital competences. More specific the goal of our project aIMS(M) is the creation of an educational pathway. In our project 200 low-skilled unemployed adult migrants and/ or refugees will benefit from the pathway as testers and, through their experience, they will contribute to the validation of the final tools within the European dimension.

The project is related to “A new skills agenda for Europe” which urges to up-skill and re-skill the European labour force with digital skills. In the near future, the vast majority of the jobs will require a certain degree of digital competences, while an increasing number of elementary jobs will at least require some basic or generic competences.

If you want more information about this project or the partnership, please contact us via