The project provides a blended mobility for adult learners /joint staff training event aiming to lead participants to acquire skills in order to adopt common training activities, according to migrants target group. As many training participants is possible to not be self-motivated and require guidance or coaching to complete a course, this activity will be an ongoing learning process for them, enforcing them especially to improve their training skills. Additionally, train the trainers of linguistics with the use of technological accessibility, will be an advantage for them as trainers but will also give an other perspective on their training methodology to migrants. As ICT services give the opportunity for interaction between worker/mentor and learner, both sides will have benefits. Migrants, who are facing in a major level the unfamiliarity with the language of their host country, will take advantage as indirect benefits of these training sessions.

These activities are crucial to the development of the project. The proposal aims to promote the exchange of good practices among organisations which are committed with adult education in the specific field of migrants social re-integration. Thanks to training activities, the staff workers of partners organisations will have the opportunity to know other contexts and experiences, to learn new approaches and methodologies and will contribute in designing a set of competences necessary in order to promote the social reintegration on migrants and to reduce social risk, with particular attention to specific targets.

The main idea is to create some skills that will be developed according to two different strands:

  • COMPETENCES FOR EFFECTIVE SOCIAL RE-INTEGRATION: which knowledge, skills and competences should an employee acquire in order to promote transversal competences (psychological, social/relationships management, cultural) among migrants; to facilitate their integration into labour market; to create a local network involving other organisations and relevant stakeholders in order to make social reintegration more effective and to reduce future risk of crime.
  • COMPETENCES FOR INCLUSIVE SOCIAL RE-INTEGRATION: which knowledge, skills and competences connected with diversity management should an educator acquire in order to facilitate an effective social reintegration when working with specific target, such as migrants, minorities.

The learning outcomes will be shared with beneficiaries (staff involved) in order to make them more aware about objectives and expected results of training path.

During each training activity in Italy, Romania and The Netherlands, a selected group of migrants will meet representatives of partner organisations in order to introduce them the conditions and the activities in the workplace. Hosting partner will invite to the training session also its relevant stakeholders in order to integrate the training activity with their point of view. The hosting partner will be responsible for the training session in its country, but each mobility will foresee the contribution of each partner, on specific issues and methodologies. The evaluation of learning outcomes achievement is integrated into the Monitoring and Evaluation activity: involved workers/employees will be interviewed (survey) in order to collect their point of view and assessment concerning learning outcomes achievement.